How I made my first $1 on internet?

#freelancing, #remote, #work, #experience | 26 Feb 2024

In 2013, I stumbled upon a website called oDesk, which served as a platform for freelancers to find work. Intrigued, I perused the available gigs, feeling optimistic yet uncertain about whether I could actually earn money through this platform. Despite my doubts, I decided to dive in and give it a shot. Signing up, I began applying for various gigs using a standard template, aiming for smaller projects in the $10-$20 range. However, my initial attempts yielded no responses.

Just when I was about to give up, I decided to take a different approach. I came across a straightforward task: a bug fix in d3.js. Without overthinking it, I downloaded the necessary assets, worked on the bug, and managed to fix it within an hour. This time, instead of using the standard template, I opted for a more direct approach in my application. I simply stated, “I’ve fixed the bug. The code is attached to application.” and attached the solution without waiting for confirmation, willing to take the risk even if it meant losing that time investment.

To my astonishment, my unconventional approach paid off. I received a response from the client, who not only accepted my proposal but also hired me and paid through the platform for the solution. The emails from oDesk confirming the transaction felt like pure magic to me. After waiting for a few days to clear the waiting period, I received an email from PayPal notifying me about the payment, followed by an SMS from my bank confirming the receipt of money. The excitement I felt was indescribable, and it opened doors to countless opportunities in the world of freelancing.

This experience taught me a valuable lesson: sometimes, a simple change in approach can make all the difference. By taking a risk and deviating from the norm, I not only earned my first dollar online but also gained the confidence to pursue further freelancing opportunities. I ended up working with the same user on multiple occasions and attracted numerous other clients using the same approach.

So, that’s my story of how I made my first dollar on the internet. I believe that with a willingness to adapt and innovate, anyone can find success in the online world.